Norfolk Mardler Goats Cheese


Produced by Sam Steggles at Fielding Cottage in Honingham, near Norwich. Fielding Cottage began making cheese in 2009 and now has a flock of around 800 goats, mainly Saanen, Alpine, and Toggenburg breeds, which are raised for both meat and milk used in cheese and skincare products. The cheese is matured for eight weeks and has a chalk-white color with a yellow waxed rind.

 Its name comes from the Norfolk dialect word “mardle,” which means “to gossip or chat” The texture of Norfolk Mardler is firm and slightly open, offering a creamy taste with a balance of sweet and savoury flavours and a hint of goat flavour

 It melts well and is described as rich but not too much of a pronounced goat flavour. 


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A firm favourite at The Norfolk Cheese Company.

Norfolk Mardler – (to Mardle; from the Norfolk dialect meaning ‘to gossip or chat’). Comes in distinctive bright yellow  wax, eight week matured goat cheese which is deliciously creamy. Best described as rich but not too goaty.

This cheese melts particularly well.


Allergens: Pasteurised Goats’ Milk

Suitable for vegetarians

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250g, 500g, 1000g